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烏魚子、藍白拖、千鳥格 (黑面琵鷺)— 特有台灣文化風格


Product Detail: 


材質:100% Polyester



1.     好穿脫:前開襟改採拉鍊,方便好穿脫。開衩改採拉鍊,可隨場合和心情調整高度,全拉開時,可以成為長版上衣,下身隨意搭配。

2.     好纖細:小蓋袖設計,修飾手臂線條

3.     好搭配:一件即可出門,簡單搭配即可隨時出席各式場合

4.     好活動:合身剪裁,微彈性布料,活動自如,可修飾身型,版型更顯健康修長

5.     好舒服:採用機能防曬彈性布料,特殊鳥眼織法工藝,舒適親膚不黏身

6.     好品質:設計/布料/印花/生產製造全程MIT

7.     好照顧:直接丟家用洗衣機清洗就好,無須送洗或特別照顧,簡單輕鬆好保養

旗袍兒 - 藍白拖

  • Chic Pow為Chic Power的縮寫,諧音「旗袍兒」,亦為「時尚力量」之意。 致力傳承推廣女性文化性服飾,朝向時尚化、年輕化與便服化設計發展,期許現代女性能更自信地活出具有藝術文化的光彩與美麗。

    2021 年是Chic Pow的一個重要的里程碑,我們在台灣通過眾籌開發了自己的產品線 – 將旗袍活化,自行設計適合現代女性生活的Chic Pow, 讓旗袍時尚化、年輕化與便服化更進一步- Be Chic with Your Pow。

  • 創立於1923年,由第一代創辦人張相先生自台南神農街平房開始,以布料進口、染整、批發零售為主要業務,逐步發展為日治與光復時期重要的布料供應商。然而隨產業轉型與消費型態改變,布莊事業漸漸式微。百年後的今日,轉型成立「錦源興布莊」、「錦源興生活」、「錦源興空間」,以在地文化為經、創意美學為緯,透過印花布料設計、生活用品研發與藝文活動策劃,繼續傳承百年布莊頂真精神。


    In 1923, Gímgoânheng was established by the founder Mr. Siang Jhang at Shennong Street in Tainan. The main business were cloth import, dyeing and finishing, wholesale and retail. Gímgoânheng gradually developed into an important fabric supplier during the time of Japanese Colonial Period and the Retrocession of Taiwan. However, with the transformation of the industry and the change in consumption patterns, the cloth industry has gradually receded. After nearly a hundred years later today, Gímgoânheng was re-established and transformed into “Gímgoânheng Fabrics,” “Gímgoânheng Goods,” and “Gímgoânheng Gallery.” With local culture as the warp and creative aesthetics as the weft, through the design of printed fabrics, the research and development of daily necessities, and the planning of arts and cultural activities, Gímgoânheng continues to inherit the true spirit of the century-old fabric store.

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