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Finest beret from Spain

BOINAS ELÓSEGUI was founded in 1858 by Antonio Elósegui in Tolosa (Gipuzkoa). ELÓSEGUI is one of the market leaders in berets and is the only Spanish company to make fine quality basque berets from weave to finish with the entire process carried out by hand and traditionally made in 100% merino wool. 

西班牙百年老字號Sombrero Gorostiaga 位於 Bilbao,就是 Boina (Beret) 貝蕾帽的發跡地。

Elósegui 是西班牙數一數二的帽飾品牌,已超過160年歷史,貝蕾帽全部以100% Merino 羊毛製成,出名保暖。

