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Millinery Workshop

Sinamay Headpiece

This workshop will introduce the use of dress hats, fascinators and royal millinery for different occasions. Each student will create a fascinator in the shape and color of their choice made from Sinamay fabric.

Beautiology 101
Party Makeover

Beautiology 101 是為上班族度身訂造的美學課程。Party Makeover 是一個以髪型為主的Workshop。我們有幸邀請到著名韓國品牌造型師 Jess Chong,分享她自創的一套髪型技巧,方便上班族數分鐘內自由轉換日間及晚間造型,隨時隨地Party Ready。

Beautiology 102

Beautiology 102
Glamorous Makeup

Beautiology 102 - Glamorous Make Up 以美妝為主,由淺入深,跟據每人不的面形及膚質,打造迷人的 Glamorous Look。我們有幸邀請到著名韓國品牌造型師Jess Chong,分享她自創的一套美妝技巧,讓你數分鐘內展示極具個人風格的完美妝容。

Millinery Workshop

Tweed Cocktail Hat

This 4 hrs workshop will introduce the use of a gorgeous winter fabric - Tweed, to shape a cocktail hat. Each student will create a cocktail hat and a scarf in the shape and color of their choice made from tweed fabric.

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